Who is the Half-Blood Prince? Easy. I figured that out in the first quarter of the book.
What I still can't believe is how the dumb book ended.
I think this is definitely the best Harry Potter book yet. Up till now, Goblet Of Fire has been my favorite, and this one is as good, if not better - funny, witty, light-hearted even while dealing with the deadly issues of school, war, and teenagers in love. I read it in twelve hours, and loved it - except for the last two chapters.
How could she???
Stupid thing is, I think we all knew something like this was going to have to happen sooner or later. And if it had to had to happen, then it was done with all possible flair and grace. But I still can't believe it really ended like that...
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince does indeed provide a lot of answers to things we've been wondering about for a while now. But it raises as many new questions, and leaves a lot of things up in the air.
Was the locket really destroyed, or is it still out there? Who is R.A.B.? (My guess is Regellus Black) Was that really McGonagall talking of closing Hogwarts? Is Snape still playing at some weird, two-sided game, or was what he did really real? Will Harry go back to Hogwarts for his last term, and if not, what's in store for him? And when are Ron and Hermione ever going to come to their senses and get together?? What happened to Dumbledore? - that couldn't have been real, it just couldn't. It was too easy, too simple - Dumbledore had to've known, figured out some double-trick - something, something, isn't what it seems. It can't be...
Ms. Rowling, you better write that next book fast! Please, please, I don't think I can wait another two and a half years.
This post is dedicated to Jessica, Lindsay, Monica Q. and Shari - all my fellow Harry Potter fanatics.