What Was I Thinking?

I started blogging in 2003, and for years I used my blog as a kind of open journal. It allowed me to write about the things that were going ...

14 December 2006


Four more to go for a badge.

I like this game, but I'm getting really tired of it. All I'm doing now is playing to kill time while I wait for my husband to show up for our chat-date. (He's out of town on a business trip.)

Year of the Rat, here we go: Nine, nine, six, six, four, four, orchid, spring, spring, orchid, north wind...where's the north wind? I know I saw one...guess not. Okay, back - would you just go when I click you!?!? Seven, seven, two, two, spider-guy...

Busy Doing Nothing

I have been sitting in this chair for two and a half hours now - and I haven't even been playing games! (I need to get to that...I'm working on getting to the next rank in Mahjong.)

So what have I been doing for the last two and a half hours? Updating my Yahoo!360 Profile Page. The one that I never use. I also have a MySpace, which I never use.

There are so many sites on which to let everyone know all the trivial details about you that those who know you already know, to share your photos and favorite music, and to keep up with all the friends you never keep in touch with otherwise. I mostly use those sites to refer my friends back here - my friends, and any random visitors who might happen across my profile and be interested enough to want to know more.

To view my main site, go to http://halaylah.blah.blah.blah...
(ok, don't click that, it's not really a link - I was just sort of making a point...but not really.)

So I have all these other sites and profiles and pages, to direct people back to this one...but those others still need to be pretty. (right?) So every now and then, I spend way too much time and energy updating and uploading, and getting everything just so - just in case anyone should happen to stumble across it, and have an opportunity to say "oooooh!"