Most of it is stuff that I can't say out loud.
I am close to drowning. I'm keeping it together, and I think if I can make it into next month I might be okay. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.
My co-manager quit last Monday, with two hours' notice. She just left. (In all fairness, she gave notice that her last day would be on the was our boss who told her to go ahead and go.) They're not hiring a replacement for her. So the work that has traditionally taken two people 40 hours and then some each week, is now all mine. And I am NOT organized enough to juggle it all at the moment - even though everyone else in the office seems very sure that I'll do just fine. I'm getting by right now on sheer panic and adrenaline.
I feel a little like Peter trying to walk across the water. If I stopped and looked down, and took a moment to realize just how far I'm in over my head, I'd crash and burn right there. Luckily, unlike Peter, I don't have time to stop and look down.
End-of-the-month notes are due, and they're not ready. I'm going to have to bring them home if they're going to get turned in on time...but I've got a birthday party on Saturday and friends coming over for the Superbowl on Sunday.
If I can just get this thing organized, I'll survive. If I can just find time to sit down and figure out how to get it organized...