What Was I Thinking?

I started blogging in 2003, and for years I used my blog as a kind of open journal. It allowed me to write about the things that were going ...

25 March 2005

A Separate Peace

My boyfriend had to have knee surgery yesterday morning. The surgery was to be done in Lubbock (a couple hours' drive from here) and since the doctor wanted us at the hospital at 6am, we drove over the night before. And all that night, all I could think of was that stupid book.

Did you ever read that book in high school? The guy dies. He breaks his leg, and when the doctor goes to set the bone, a bit of bone marrow gets loose, gets into his bloodstream, and stops his heart. He dies. From a broken leg!

Okay, I know, I know, it's just a book. The guy had to die for the story to be what it was supposed to be. Plus, it was set during WW2, so sixty years of medical technology stand between what might have happened then, and what happens now. I saw the X-rays, I talked to the doctor myself; my rational brain knew that this was nothing more than a routine repair of a torn ligament, one of maybe four or five such procedures that the doctor had scheduled for that day. Nothing would go wrong. (And nothing did.)

But middle-of-the night fears are seldom rational. That was definitely the worst night's sleep I've ever had...and all because I read a book.


  1. It's those damn books. We really need to get rid of those. Putting those crazy ideas in people's heads...I just can't take anymore. I think we need to organize some kind of book burning or something to stop this madness!

  2. Thanks hun, I love you too. :))

  3. Yeah, well, I'm not reading nearly as much as I did before you came along, so there's the solution to "those damn books"...turns out there's not a book in print that can hold my attention once you walk into the room!
