My husband is cool, because he knows about everything.
We've been watching this new show, Jericho, and we both really like it. In the intro, there's a snippet of Morse code - I don't know Morse, so I just accept that it sounds cool but I have no idea what it says. Well, he was an Eagle Scout, and he's been driving himself crazy trying to figure out what it says. This week he got his mom into it, and they played and replayed the most recent episode, which we had recorded via DVR, until she was able to copy down the code and then interpret it.
They figured out that the message was "There is a fire" - which was the subject of that particular episode. Now Ken's onto the game, and he wants to know if it's a different message each week. His next words were "Let's get on the computer..." and I raced up here to check my email before he totally geeks out over this, and spends the next six hours trying to find out what the code said on the three previous episodes.
This also means that every time Jericho comes on, from here on out, he's going to go buggy-eyed trying to get the code and interpret it. I just hope it doesn't cause us to miss the beginning of Criminal Minds, which comes on right afterward. (Mandy Patinkin, baby!)
I probably need to get off the computer so he can get to work contacting every other geek in the world who's a Jericho fan.
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