What Was I Thinking?

I started blogging in 2003, and for years I used my blog as a kind of open journal. It allowed me to write about the things that were going ...

15 April 2004


It's a nice day if you wake up in Disneyland

That's a line from a song I just heard on my radio.

Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't bring a very pleasant image to my mind...I'm picturing some guy in yesterday's clothes, hair stuck to his face, disoriented and stumbling out of the flower bed where he passed out the night before.

I'm sure they wouldn't really let that happen in Disneyland, would they?

1 comment:

  1. I can, as someone who has spent a whole week studying the inner workings there, attest to the fact that they would, in fact, not let that happen at all in Disneyland.
    Late at night, when all the children are safely tucked away and there is no sound save for the chirping of crickets and a strange, low hum... Disney Drones silently begin their work. They hover inches above the ground and methodically cover every inch of ground within what insiders refer to as "the compound"... improperly discarded candy wrappers, plastic cups, and those cardboard things that cotton candy comes on all disappear from the grounds. Spills from earlier in the day are cleaned up, chairs are put back in their proper places, and cute designs are imprinted in the freshly cleaned sand in waist high ashtrays throughout the complex.
    At the same time, hapless guests who have the misfortune of finding themselves in a less than conscious state anywhere on the grounds (especially the Disney Floral Zones) are ruthlessly, but efficiently collected... and transported to the Recycling Center where they are then disposed of... properly.
    Order must be maintained, you see.
