What Was I Thinking?

I started blogging in 2003, and for years I used my blog as a kind of open journal. It allowed me to write about the things that were going ...

28 September 2007

Greens and Blues

"What the hell does that mean?"

We're listening to that song, "(I'm The One Who Wants) To Be With You" - great song - reminds me of high school, but in a good way. We used to listen to it on band trips, the whole bus would sing along, etc. It's very sing-along-able, except that I've never understood what that third line of the chorus said.

So tonight, after however many years of not knowing what the hell that line was, we finally looked it up, and it goes like this:

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

So now I know what the line is.
But I have no ideal what the hell it means.

"Waited on a line of greens and blues...?"

I'm always a bit bothered by songs like that - great tune, great beat, great whatever, but the words don't make any sense. Common Rotation, one of my favorite little-known indie bands, is a big offender in that category. Jewel does it a lot too, but hers is "poetry". (Right.) They Might Be Giants does it, but that's one of their gimmicks - nonsense songs. It's the serious ones - the "poetry" songs - that bug me: the songs whose lyrics sound like they must be full of deep metaphoric meaningfullness, but really just don't make any sense at all. I always feel silly singing along with songs like that...

25 September 2007

Non Sequitur

I have a specific picture stuck in my mind - an image from a memory: the coffee-shop at the Barnes & Noble in Orland Park, IL. I don't know why this specific image is in my head all of a sudden; I don't know what could've occurred to put it there. I've back-tracked my train of thought, and I don't remember thinking about anything that would have brought that to mind. The memory predates both the song I'm currently listening to and the painting I'm working on (more on that later.) I don't know...but the memory is a pleasant one - it's a pleasant place, full of light - so I guess I'll just shrug my shoulders and enjoy the mental revisit to a place I haven't seen in years.

17 September 2007

Richardson '08!

Steph: http://debates.news.yahoo.com/   <-- have you seen this? it's cool.
Ken: it is cool
Steph: I'm watching Clinton. Obama, & Richardson...they're all saying almost the same thing about Iraq...especially Clinton & Obama
Steph: let's see what they say about health care & education
Ken: They will all say about the same thing there too
Steph: probably, but it's interesting nevertheless
Ken: yeah
Ken: have you seen the latest poll numbers
Steph: nope, where are they?
Ken: Richardson has 5 percent of the vote
Ken: whoo hoo
Steph: good
Ken: Barak has 38
Ken: Clinton has 35
Steph: okay
Ken: and then the next highest is Edwards
Ken: with 15
Steph: yeah, I don't like him at all
Ken: none of the rest of the runners have numbers in the double digits
Ken: Richardson is so not getting elected
Steph: I know >: (
Steph: but I'm liking Obama better than Clinton
Steph: boy Richardson doesn't like Edwards either
Ken: no he doesnt
Steph: I like Obama's health care proposal, but Richardson has some good ideas too - like getting rid of junk food in schools and benefits for employers who encourage their employees to work out - and I like what he has to say about the immigration problems, too.
Steph: I wish more people would listen to this guy!
Steph: Clinton talks a lot, but doesn't say that much...

05 September 2007


I made hollandaise sauce - first attempt, and it's perfect!

Now I can cross number 3 off the list.



And for those of you who are related and/or married to me, I also un-blonded my hair today. So you can all roll your eyes and breathe a sigh of relief.