What Was I Thinking?

I started blogging in 2003, and for years I used my blog as a kind of open journal. It allowed me to write about the things that were going ...

10 December 2007

21 is Impossible

I came to the realization the other day that number 21 on my list of 43 Things will never be achieved.

Of course, the same can be said for many of the items on my list; but number 21 is to "get all the books on my Amazon wish list." I've gotten a lot of the books since I started the list of 43 Things...but everytime I get some of the books on my wish list, I add even more new ones! It's a never-ending quest.

I guess that's okay. Some quests shouldn't have endings. And I hope I never run out of books to wish for.

21 November 2007

Another Good Question

So they showed last night on Mythbusters - not conclusively, but very persuasively - that elephants are indeed afraid of mice.


I can't figure out what there could be about a mouse that would make an elephant skittish around it. If someone out there knows about elephants and/or mice, please fill me in. Meanwhile, I'll be doing my own research - this just fascinates me, for some reason.

Xander was on Criminal Minds!

Yay...I've missed Xander.

Course, his name wasn't Xander, but he was still a geek. And they set him up as a "friend" for Penelope Garcia - who is, without question, the coolest female character on TV.

If I ever get to be a super-hero, I want to be Garcia.

18 November 2007

Making Changes

I know, I know, this site dosn't seem to look the same from one week to the next. I'm working on it...

I just got the new Adobe CS3 software (yay!), but I don't really know how to use it just yet. I'm working on that too, taking a class, got a lot of good tutorials, but not a lot of time just now to sit down and work my way through it. What I want to do is re-vamp this site with my own artwork and designs. I know it can be done, but until I figure out how to do it, I'll be using Typepad's designs, and continuing to try to find one I really like.

Bear with me...when I learn how to do what I want to do, it'll be REALLY cool!

Got to go to work now.

21 October 2007

4 a.m. (again)

"Ah, you are using Bonetti's Defense against me!"

"I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain."

"Naturally, you would expect me to counter with a Cappa-ferra?"

"Naturally. But I find a Tybalt cancels out a Cappa-ferra. Don't you?"

"Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa...which I have."

Plastic and Pom-Poms

We were watching football, as we usually do on Sunday afternoons, and I got to wondering about the cheerleaders.

Who are these women?? In High School, it's cool to be a cheerleader; in college, it's an extra-curricular activity that only a few people continue to pursue - and one that seems to get dropped in the third or fourth year, when classes start to get intense and graduation becomes a looming reality. But who takes it further than that? Surely there's a point, and an age, where being a cheerleader just isn't that cool anymore.

I wonder if they even know anything about football? They must know a little - else how would they know when to cheer? If it was me, standing there watching game after home game, I would pick up at least the rudiments of the game, even if it didn't interest me all that much...but of course if it was me, I wouldn't be there in the first place.

And I wonder what the players think of the cheerleaders? In High School, the captain of the football team was always supposed to date the head cheerleader, right? But I don't see any of the big famous NFL quarterbacks hanging out much with the eye candy. Even they have moved on, and most, it seems, are either married or dating women of substance.

Do NFL cheerleaders get paid? Is this like an actual job for them? Do they make enough to pay their bills - do they even have bills? Or is it just a side-gig that picks up a few extra bucks? Do they have other, real jobs? What do they do in the off-season? Modelling, I suppose...if you consider that a real job...

Women like that - cheerleaders and beauty queens - have always fascinated me. As a waitress, the way I look does have an impact on my job; but for me, that's always been an obstacle to be overcome. And I have overcome it, I think, by being very, very good at my job. But my life is about going to work to pay the bills and buy groceries and put gas in my car, then figuring out what to fix for dinner.

These Barbie-dolls with their pretend lives...what must that be like? I don't think I would want to find out. I like being real. Even if the reality isn't always pretty.

08 October 2007


I didn't want to do it.

I've been so good for so long...

I swear I didn't want to do it, but I just didn't seem to have any choice.

It was the weekend, I was away from home...

You know, I didn't even have to say anything about it; no one would've known, except the people who were with me - my husband and my daughter (and in my own defense, I didn't give her any.)

If it helps, I didn't enjoy it. I hated myself the whole time. I even thought I was going to be sick.

Lord, please give me the strength not to do it again.


It happened like this:
We were in Muleshoe, coming back from taking his sister and her kids home to Clovis, and we were hungry, and didn't have a lot of money to spend. So...

(I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry)

...we went to McDonald's.

We looked for a Dairy Queen - we did! But the only one in town was closed down. Our other choices were Sonic (too expensive), Pizza Hut (takes too long), or Leal's (too expensive and takes too long).

It was horrible; I almost gagged on every bite - even the soda didn't taste good to me. The whole experience reminded me of when I quit smoking: all of a sudden every time I took a drag off a cigarette, I could just feel all that junk going into my body, and it was disgusting. It didn't take me long to quit, and before long after that I couldn't even stand the smell of cigarette smoke - and I stll can't. Same thing with the Big Mac I found myself choking down. The taste, the smell, even the texture of it, plus the knowledge of what I'd just given my money to - it was sickening, and I devoutly hope that I never have to go into one of those red-and-yellow buildings again.

28 September 2007

Greens and Blues

"What the hell does that mean?"

We're listening to that song, "(I'm The One Who Wants) To Be With You" - great song - reminds me of high school, but in a good way. We used to listen to it on band trips, the whole bus would sing along, etc. It's very sing-along-able, except that I've never understood what that third line of the chorus said.

So tonight, after however many years of not knowing what the hell that line was, we finally looked it up, and it goes like this:

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

So now I know what the line is.
But I have no ideal what the hell it means.

"Waited on a line of greens and blues...?"

I'm always a bit bothered by songs like that - great tune, great beat, great whatever, but the words don't make any sense. Common Rotation, one of my favorite little-known indie bands, is a big offender in that category. Jewel does it a lot too, but hers is "poetry". (Right.) They Might Be Giants does it, but that's one of their gimmicks - nonsense songs. It's the serious ones - the "poetry" songs - that bug me: the songs whose lyrics sound like they must be full of deep metaphoric meaningfullness, but really just don't make any sense at all. I always feel silly singing along with songs like that...

25 September 2007

Non Sequitur

I have a specific picture stuck in my mind - an image from a memory: the coffee-shop at the Barnes & Noble in Orland Park, IL. I don't know why this specific image is in my head all of a sudden; I don't know what could've occurred to put it there. I've back-tracked my train of thought, and I don't remember thinking about anything that would have brought that to mind. The memory predates both the song I'm currently listening to and the painting I'm working on (more on that later.) I don't know...but the memory is a pleasant one - it's a pleasant place, full of light - so I guess I'll just shrug my shoulders and enjoy the mental revisit to a place I haven't seen in years.

17 September 2007

Richardson '08!

Steph: http://debates.news.yahoo.com/   <-- have you seen this? it's cool.
Ken: it is cool
Steph: I'm watching Clinton. Obama, & Richardson...they're all saying almost the same thing about Iraq...especially Clinton & Obama
Steph: let's see what they say about health care & education
Ken: They will all say about the same thing there too
Steph: probably, but it's interesting nevertheless
Ken: yeah
Ken: have you seen the latest poll numbers
Steph: nope, where are they?
Ken: Richardson has 5 percent of the vote
Ken: whoo hoo
Steph: good
Ken: Barak has 38
Ken: Clinton has 35
Steph: okay
Ken: and then the next highest is Edwards
Ken: with 15
Steph: yeah, I don't like him at all
Ken: none of the rest of the runners have numbers in the double digits
Ken: Richardson is so not getting elected
Steph: I know >: (
Steph: but I'm liking Obama better than Clinton
Steph: boy Richardson doesn't like Edwards either
Ken: no he doesnt
Steph: I like Obama's health care proposal, but Richardson has some good ideas too - like getting rid of junk food in schools and benefits for employers who encourage their employees to work out - and I like what he has to say about the immigration problems, too.
Steph: I wish more people would listen to this guy!
Steph: Clinton talks a lot, but doesn't say that much...

05 September 2007


I made hollandaise sauce - first attempt, and it's perfect!

Now I can cross number 3 off the list.



And for those of you who are related and/or married to me, I also un-blonded my hair today. So you can all roll your eyes and breathe a sigh of relief.

29 August 2007

Editorial: Dogfighting

Michael Vick could have killed a person in a drunk-driving incident and I don't think there would have been this much outrage over it.

(But at least someone benefits from the whole silly circus; Michael Vick is the best thing that could've happened to Terrell Owens!)

21 August 2007

43 Things

Number 22 is done, so I should really take it off the list and add something else.

Number 30 is just a matter of time.

Number 41 didn't happen this time, maybe next time.

and number 1...well, we're working on it, but it's slow going.

11 August 2007

Project: Part 1

Last week we cleaned out the garage. Today, we built a table.







It looks pretty good in the photos, especially considering that the guy at Home Depot didn't cut the lumber very accurately! But it looks pretty good, nevertheless.

We've decided that carpentry, satisfying though it is, is hard work when you're not used to it. We're both going to be sore tomorrow!

07 August 2007


Girl comes in
sits at my table
eats with her boyfriend
asks for a job application
and leaves me twelve cents!

06 August 2007

They Got Another One

So small-town Texas is apparently a bad place to be a schizophrenic.

Plainview police shot and killed a man this morning, for no good reason. Again.
Here's the scoop, so far:

Hale County Deputy Shoots Plainview Man

Reported by: Lauren Murphy

Monday, Aug 6, 2007 @08:57pm CST

A Hale County sheriff’s deputy shot and killed 37 year-old Jose Vasquez.  Just before four o’clock Monday morning, Vasquez got into an altercation with his family.  That’s when his brother, Juan, called police.

Juan said the sheriff’s deputy had the opportunity to handcuff him but didn’t.

He said Vasquez lunged at the officer, and the officer grabbed his gun, and shot Vasquez in the chest. The victim’s friends and family say that deputy did not have to kill him.

“He was a human being. He was treated worse than dog,” said Aurora Gutierrez, a friend of the family.“ them to protect my brother so he would hurt himself. In the end they took his life,” said Juan Vasquez.

The family tells us Vasquez was a schizophrenic.

This is the third fatal shooting this year by law enforcement officials, the second schizophrenic.

22 July 2007

Goodbye, Harry

I can't believe it's actually over...no more waiting for another book, wondering where she's going to take the story next.

Ken & I were talking the other night about the Harry Potter phenomenon; we couldn't think of any other book or author that has caused this kind of mayhem. I look forward to a new Alex Cross book by James Patterson, and so do lots of other people...but bookshops don't open at midnight and have themed parties for James Patterson books. There are people who don't even know who Alex Cross or James Patterson are - but everybody, it seems, whether they read the books or not, has heard of Harry Potter.

Ken pointed out that the fans and frenzy of Harry Potter would probably even put Star Wars in the dust. There are countless numbers of highly devoted Star Wars fans (I know; I'm married to one of them!), but the people who lined up for the midnight release of the films were mostly geeks (I know; I was there.)

The people who have followed the Harry Potter books are from all different crowds: the people I know who planned to be somewhere at midnight to get their copy of this last book include two coworkers, who have very little else in common, and at least one family in our small-group Bible study. Then there are my two former coworkers in Dallas, and two old roommates, from two different houses.

And us. We were there at midnight for the last book release, and we almost made it for this one, but only by chance - we wouldn't have left the house to be there at midnight this time, but we'd been out anyway, and were just getting back into town, so we thought we might as well stop. Alas, we got there too late, and they wouldn't let us in. So I went back yesterday morning. Ken got to read it first; he had it read by last night, and then handed it over to me, and now we've both finished it, and we have the complete set on our living room bookshelf, finally.

I like the way she ended it; she tied up all the loose ends, and didn't get (too) predictable. And I really liked the Epilogue, though Ken didn't.

But Goblet Of Fire is still my favorite.

02 July 2007

Speaking of Old Friends...

I haven't heard from Cassie in a long time.

Cass, if you're out there, give me a call or drop me a line or something.
Let me know how you're doing.

Or if anyone in Dallas reads this & knows where she is or how to get hold of her,
tell her I miss her.

30 June 2007

And, We're Back

Buzz & Sarah were here again this weekend; they drove up for a friend's birthday party. It was great - I don't know about everyone else, but I had a really good time. My qualm last time Sarah was here was that yes, I had a great time, but did it matter? - would I ever see her again? The fact that they drove all the way up here from El Paso just for a friend's birthday meant a lot, not only to him but to me as well.

And what about all the fears & hesitations I had to deal with last time they were here? Gone. It was all based on ten-year old resentments and bad information from a bad source. Sarah is the same Sarah she's always been - as a matter of fact, in ten years, I seem to have changed much more than she has. But it's all good...

I don't know when we'll see them again after this, but I'm looking forward to whenever it is, and I hope to keep in touch in the meantime.

It's nice to have an old friend back again.

13 June 2007

If You'll Be My Bodyguard...

Does anybody not like that song?

I was at work today, and it came on in the bar, and so I was singing it in the kitchen a few minutes later, when another guy said "I love that song!" and soon he was singing it too. A few minutes went by, and I heard the kitchen manager pick up the tune, and he wondered out loud "Why do I have that song stuck in my head?" So I told him. Later, he was whistling it, and two more of the cooks started singing along. "Call Me Al" became like our song of the day.

How much talent must it take to write a song like that, that everybody likes and sings along with?

15 May 2007


Veronica sits in her favorite chair
She sits very quiet and still
And they call her a name that they never get right
And if they don't then nobody else will

Well she used to have a carefree mind of her own
And a devilish look in her eye
Saying "You can call me anything you like
But my name is Veronica."

How do you explain Elvis Costello to someone who's never heard of him?

There's a girl at my job called Veronica, and one day I finally told her, "You know, every time I work with you, I end up with that Elvis Costello song stuck in my head - Veronica."

Her response? A blank stare - but another girl who happened to be in earshot was more to the point. "Who the #%*!! is Elvis Costello??"

Ah, well...
(Kids these days!)

11 May 2007


So I'm working a Saturday shift, which is somewhat unusual for me.

I was okay with it...then I found out that this is Tech's Graduation weekend -
which, if you work at a restaurant, translates to "insanely, unimaginably busy!"
(No breaks, no early outs - whatever it is, don't even ask - capisce?)

It occurred to me recently that I've been terrorized by Texas Tech's Graduation for most of my life. When I was a kid, my mom worked at Tech; I didn't know then what 'registration' and 'graduation' were - I just knew that those were the times when Mom got home from work really late, and was unusually cranky.

When my sister graduated from Tech, I actually had to sit through the ceremony. Hours of sitting and waiting for one name to be called, one familiar face to walk by for an ever-so-brief photo op. Then more sitting and waiting.

Now, as a waitress, graduation means big crowds - lots of money to be made, if you can deal with the chaos.

22 April 2007

Coop's Joke

Two penguins were walking together along a glacier.

First penguin says to the second penguin, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo."

Second penguin says, "Maybe I am..."




16 April 2007

43 Things

Number 22 is done.

Numbers 11, 41, and 42 are in progress.

Numbers 4 and 31 are ongoing efforts, but I'm making progress with them as well.

15 April 2007


Thank you, God, for the love with which I know I'm surrounded.

Thank you for the knowledge that I'm not alone, even though I feel lonely and tired sometimes.

Thank you for the wonderful man who is my husband, and for my beautiful, beautiful daughter.

I thank you for my friends - for all my friends, past and present. Even if I never see some of them again, they have enriched my life, and I know that, and I'm grateful.

14 April 2007

Ghosts, Part 2

Well, that went better than I think anybody had hoped.

It still doesn't matter, though.

"Can this friendship be saved?" Possibly, but what would be the point? She lives in El Paso now. How much comfort and joy can be gotten from a friendship when you live 350 miles apart and see each other only once every two or three years? A kind of friendship is possible, yes - but it can't replace what was lost.

I don't know. I'm tired, and bitter, and maybe a little depressed.

Which brings me to another question I've been wondering about for some weeks now: Where exactly is the line between sleep deprivation and depression? I don't know if I've crossed it or not...but I don't like the way I feel.

What did Mama always say? "If you can't say something nice..." Maybe I ought to lay off the blogging for a while - at least until I can get a full night's sleep. Don't know when that may be...

13 February 2007


No more pajama bottoms!!

For those who don't know, I've just had a baby - my beautiful Emily. She has her very own website, so you can see how pretty she is and read all about her.

But this is about me. And I am oh so glad not to be pregnant anymore - after months and months, I finally fit back into my jeans! And I can see my feet, too!

11 February 2007

Backyard Bocce

We got to revive one of our Sunday afternoon traditions today - Bocce Ball! We used to go out and play in the park across from our apartment; now we have a backyard. You can't throw quite as far, but that's okay - much more than we did today would've hurt, since I'm still recovering from surgery and supposed to be taking it easy. It was good to get out and exercise, though.

We came back in, made yummy nachos for dinner, and watched Iron Chef: Battle Chocolate (mmmmm!!), followed by the end of a Food Network Challenge that seemed to be about clothing made of chocolate (very weird). There was one dress though, that you couldn't really tell was made of chocolate, and it was a flapper dress - a style I've always loved, and never been able to wear.

If I'm very good in this life, then in my next one, I'd like to come back as a stick figure with a 30-inch waist, 32-inch bust, and no hips, so I can wear all those slinky beaded & bias-cut dresses.

30 January 2007

Fried Spinach

1 med to large bunch spinach leaves
Colander or strainer
1 med to large skillet
1 1/2 cups (approx.) cottonseed oil
A spatula
Newspapers or paper towels, to drain
Large stockpot, filled with water
1-2 cups baking soda
1 sponge mop
1-2 sous chefs or spectators
A well-ventilated kitchen

Go through the bunch of spinach, pulling off the stems and placing the leaves into your colander - discarding any wilted, yellow, or otherwise not-so-tasty looking ones. Rinse well, then drain as thoroughly as possible.

Heat the cottonseed oil in the skillet; oil should fill skillet to about an inch deep, or about halfway. To test the oil, drop a small drop of water into the skillet; if it immediately sizzles and pops, the oil is ready. (Pay close attention to this phenomenon; it will be important later in the cooking process.)

Take a single, large spinach leaf and carefully drop it into the hot oil. It should sizzle and pop just like the drop of water did, only more so. Let it cook for about twenty seconds, then use your spatula to remove it to the newspaper or paper towel. Sprinkle with salt, and allow to cool before tasting. The spinach should have retained its dark green color, but it will now be very crispy, almost paper-like. Take a bite, then offer a bite to your sous chefs or spectators and see what everybody thinks. The flavor and texture may take a moment to grow on you.

Once everybody agrees that fried spinach is surprisingly tasty, you have the go-ahead to continue cooking the rest of the batch. Therefore, take a handful of the spinach and drop it into the cooking oil, then back away quickly, taking care not to let the tower of flame from the splashed oil, which will ignite on the stovetop, singe your eyebrows off.

(Remember that sizzling and popping? Yeah, spinach has a lot of water in it, especially if it's just been washed. When all that water hits all that hot oil, it should create a shower that could rival Buckingham Fountain. When all that hot oil hits the burner on your stovetop, it should catch fire in a fairly spectacular fashion.)

Quickly pull the skillet off the burner and set aside, taking care not to splash yourself with too much of the boiling oil, so that you can turn your full attention to the column of flame licking your kitchen ceiling. You may at this point choose to either scream or say a few swear words of your choice. This is purely optional.

Use your spatula to attempt to put out the flames by whapping at them futilely. Then try to extinguish the fire by covering it with a metal bowl. During this process, you may choose to let your sous chefs/spectators take over the job of screaming and/or swearing, but feel free to continue yourself if you wish.

When neither of the above methods for controlling the fire is successful, think about that stockpot full of water. You should be aware that putting water on a grease fire is never recommended, but don't let this stop you from wondering if the sheer volume of water available might just drown the thing out, regardless.

Before you grab the stockpot and potentially kill yourself by sliding across the kitchen floor, which is now covered with splashed oil, and landing head-first on the flaming stovetop, one of your sous chefs/spectators should choose this moment to remember that baking soda is what's recommended for this type of fire, and that there is a canister of it within easy reach. Find the baking soda and sprinkle it liberally on the fire, which should then go away.

(By now, your smoke alarm should be going off. If not, make a note that you need a new 9-volt battery. The dogs, if you have any, should be barking hysterically. If you do not have dogs, I recommend that you go out and get some, or borrow a couple from your neighbors, before starting this recipe - they add a lot to the cooking experience!)

Once the fire is out, wipe off the stovetop, put the skillet on another burner, and carefully continue cooking the spinach a few leaves at a time, putting them on the newspaper to drain and sprinkling them with salt soon after they are out of the oil. When the whole batch is done, and when the smoke alarm has stopped screaming and one or both of your sous chefs/spectators have recovered from their terror-induced paralysis, divide the fried spinach onto plates along with the rest of your meal - which will now be stone-cold.

Sprinkle a little malt vinegar over the spinach before eating. Find the room in the house that is least filled with smoke, sit down, and enjoy!

Afterwards, use the mop to clean the kitchen floor, to minimize the potential for broken body parts later, when someone tries to go to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Also, be sure to add "Kitchen Fire Extinguisher" to your shopping list.

21 January 2007

21 Years


39-14 vs. New Orleans, and now there is a party going on at Soldier Field that I would LOVE to be at! The thing I loved about living in Chicago was that there was always a party going on, and I'm sure that's more true right now than it has been since 1986. I watched that Superbowl with my dad and his friends; I'll watch this one with my husband and our daughter, and hopefully she'll grow up to be as big a Bears fan as I am.